Monday, July 26, 2010

Children Singers

First I wrote about Lady Gaga, and now child prodigies, people must think I'm here to just criticize musicians more talented than me! That is not the case lol! Where do I start here... Shows like "America's Got Talent" often celebrate young singers who can sing big songs. And by young, I'm referring to those around ages 6-11. Often they go on these competitive shows and perform a song with a lot of belting and everyone goes "He/She is so talented! I have to vote for them!" I think these singers sound terrible. Who wants to hear a little kid sing a song about love (something they obviously don't understand yet), do fake and rehearsed hand movements, and shout their way through all their notes? Sure it's talent to be able to stay on pitch at a young age and do these songs but who cares? I know I don't. I don't want to see a kid pretending to be an adult. I would much rather hear these singers perform when they're older, when they DO experience love, when their voice develops and makes tone that is actually enjoyable. What's sad is that I'm sure there were a few great singers in their teens and twenties that got turned down by these competitions because they didn't at impulse seem as impressive. There's only one exception to my view on children vocalists. That's Michael Jackson. R.I.P.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lady Gaga

My first blog, and I'm going to take on that gaga person! The hits she wrote so far are pretty good! Except "Poker Face", that one gets old. But enough people talk about the good things of her act, I want to talk about the negatives. My biggest problem with her is that she doesn't have an off switch. Her persona is great at her performances, great in her music videos, and great through her songs. However, when she is with fans, being interviewed, or even just doing casual things like going to a baseball game or going to her sister's high school graduation (look at the bottom for links) she doesn't have an off switch. How effective would the "Joker" be as a character in Batman if it wasn't for his jokes? How effective would Tony Montana be as a character in Scarface if it wasn't for his sympathy towards women and children? Every character has contrast to keep them from being boring. Right now, Lady Gaga is Stefani Germanotta's character, and while right now she is hugely successful, how long can it last? When is she going to give the public the real her and not an act? We get that she can be crazy, we get that she is a "Fame Monster", but when do we see Ms. Germanotta and not her alter ego?

Lady Gaga at Graduation

Lady Gaga at NY Yankees Game